A great way to get extra cash is to sell the jewelry and gold items in boxes or bags in your closet. These are items that you don't wear anymore. You're just keeping them out of some concern that they might be valuable. Still, selling them and getting some money could be doing more for you, so why not do that and declutter your closet simultaneously?

We have expert buyers who can give you an accurate price for your items and tell you exactly how much you will get for them. We buy gold coins and jewelry, diamonds, and other precious stones or jewelry that consists of these in any combination, and we also buy Rolex watches. We purchase both women's and men's jewelry.

Please feel free to call us to make an appointment.


A great way to get extra cash is to sell the jewelry and gold items in boxes or bags in your closet. These are items that you don't wear anymore. You're just keeping them out of some concern that they might be valuable. Still, selling them and getting some money could be doing more for you, so why not do that and declutter your closet simultaneously?

We have expert buyers who can give you an accurate price for your items and tell you exactly how much you will get for them. We buy gold coins and jewelry, diamonds, and other precious stones or jewelry that consists of these in any combination, and we also buy Rolex watches. We purchase both women's and men's jewelry.

Please feel free to call us to make an appointment.

Sell Your Unwanted Gold, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Platinum, And Rolex Watches At Highest Prices!

We Buy Gold and much more!

If you’re not wearing it, sell it! Cottage Jewelry is the absolute best place to get the highest price for your unwanted gold, diamonds, emeralds, sterling silver, platinum and Rolex watches. Cottage Jewelry has an experienced staff, the most reliable, trustworthy buyers of gold, fine jewelry and other collectibles in Chicago and you will get the best price for the items you wish to sell! Give us a call right now at 847-328-1420.

Items We Buy And Sell

Contact Cottage Jeweler


530 Dempster St., Evanston, IL 60202

Tuesday - Saturday: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM



